This is one of the lost tanks of WoT, the Valiant…
Valiant ( Great Britain, MT-5, premium). For what and how is unknown. The tank itself is very old. This is another machine that WG took out of its stocks. The tank was ready and had to go when there were such machines as AC 1 Sentinel and AC 4 Experimental.
Work on the tank began in 1943. The project was an attempt to further develop “Valentine” in the direction of strengthening reservations and firepower. In total, by 1944, two prototypes were built, differing in the propulsion system and chassis. In 1944, all work on this project was discontinued due to the imminent end of the war and the successful progress of work on the more modern Centurion tank.
source – wotexpress

Questo è uno dei carri armati perduti di WoT, il Valiant …
Valiant (Gran Bretagna, MT-5, premium). Per cosa e come è sconosciuto. Il carro stesso è molto vecchio. Questa è un’altra macchina che WG ha rimosso dalle sue scorte. Il mezzo era pronto e doveva andare quando c’erano macchine come AC 1 Sentinel e AC 4 Experimental.
I lavori sul carro iniziarono nel 1943. Il progetto era un tentativo di sviluppare ulteriormente il “Valentine” nella direzione di rafforzare le riserve e la potenza di fuoco. In totale, nel 1944, furono costruiti due prototipi, diversi per sistema di propulsione e telaio. Nel 1944, tutti i lavori su questo progetto furono interrotti a causa dell’imminente fine della guerra e del successo dei lavori sul carro armato Centurion più moderno.
Tier: MT-5, Great Britain, premium
HP: 800
Engine power: 210 HP
Weight: 27,341 t
Maximum load: 28.50 t
Power per ton: 7.68 HP / t
Maximum speed / Reverse speed: 19 / -10 km / h
Swing speed: 35.00 ° / s
Turret rotation speed: 34.40 ° / s
Ground resistance: 0.863 / 0.959 / 1.726
View range: 340 m
Signal range: 400 m
Hull armor: 114/75/60
Turret armor: 114/75/75
Gun: 75 mm Gun Mk. V
Damage 110/110/175
Penetration 91/144/38
Rate of fire: 16.127
Average damage per minute 1 773.90
Loading time: 3,721
Dispersion at 100 m: 0.393
Aiming time: 2.21 s
Depression/elevation: – 12.5 ° / + 20 °
Shell speed: 619 m / s
Four-man crew: Commander, Mechanic Driver, Gunner and Loader.
Crosshair Scatter:
- after firing: 3.356;
- during turret rotation: 0.096;
- while the vehicle is moving: 0.192;
- during vehicle rotation: 0.192;
- during turret rotation at maximum speed: 3.16;
- at the maximum vehicle speed: 3.64;
- at the maximum vehicle rotation speed: 6.71.
Camouflage Value:
- fixed tank camouflage: 30.9%;
- tank camouflage in motion: 23.2%;
- fixed tank camouflage: 7.63%;
- in motion tank camouflage: 5.73%.
source –