Today, a second iteration of the new US lvl 8 tank under test, AMBT, was released for the WOT supertest.
The tank was very nerfed. It’s a pity, AMBT looked very tasty: now skip this tank.
AMBT (USA, ST-8, premier, magazine with a 3-round reloading system). Changes from the first iteration of the Public Test 1.15.
Dispersion on movement (max.): From 0.12 (4.80) to 0.20 (8.00) heavy nerf
Dispersion on hull traverse (max.): From 0.12 (4.01) to 0, 20 (6.68) heavy nerf
Dispersion on turret traverse (max.): From 0.10 (2.92) to 0.16 (4.67) heavy nerf
• Rate of fire: from 5.21 to 4.47
• Reloading of the first loaded shell : from 17.26 to 19.18
• Reloading of the second loaded projectile: from 12.46 to 15.34
• Reloading of the third loaded projectile: from 11.51 to 13.42
• Aiming time: from 2.59 to 2.88
• Average damage per minute: from 1,877 to 1,609 heavy nerf
• Average damage per minute by a high-explosive projectile: from 2,190 to 1,877
• Engine power: from 800 to 650 heavy nerf
• Power density: from 22.22 to 18.06
source – wotexpress