Centurion Mk. IA Overview
The Centurion Mk. IA offers decent mobility, with a base top forward speed of 50 km/h, and provides mediocre protection. Its main armament ensures comfortable gunplay, featuring good handling, penetration values (171 mm for standard rounds and 239 mm for special rounds), DPM, accuracy, and excellent gun depression (-10°) and elevation (20°) angles.
In most combat scenarios, the Centurion Mk. IA excels as a support tank. While it can trade HP to its advantage when necessary, it performs best when staying close to teammates or maintaining a distance from opponents if operating alone.
Historical Reference:
Development of the Centurion began in 1943. Designed as a “universal tank” to replace existing infantry and cruiser tanks, the Centurion was the first British vehicle to feature sloped armor plates. The tank entered service in 1947, with a total of 100 vehicles of this series manufactured from 1945 through 1946.
Full preliminary stats – 100% crew
- shell damage 150/150/190 HP
- Armor penetration 171/239/38
- Shell velocity 884/1105/884 m/s
- Reload time 5s
- Aiming time 2.1s
- Dispersion at 100m 0.36m
- Gun angle -10/20 deg
- Ammo 73 pcs
- Max forward / Backward speed 50/20 km/h
- Spec. Power 15.3 h.p./t
- Hull traverse speed 34 deg/s
- Gun traverse speed 38 deg/s
- Total hit points 1250 HP
- Turret armor 127/76/76
- Hull armor 76/50/38
- View range 380m
- Signal range 700m

source – wotexpress eu