Caliban is changing a lot again. This time, the accuracy was very good for him, but the engine power was degraded. If you look at the DPM, it fell, but this is only at first glance. It is worth paying attention to the reload rate between shells, it has been greatly reduced.

Caliban ( Great Britain, HT-8, high-explosive tank, magazine for 2 rounds with reloading, premium).
Changes relative to the release version 1.14.1.
• Dispersion on the move (max.): From 0.40 (13.20) to 0.38 (12.54)
• Dispersion on hull traverse (max.): From 0.40 (13.77) to 0.38 (11.89)
• Aiming time: from 6.52 to 3.64
• Dispersion after firing: from 7.00 to 6.00
• Reloading of the first loaded projectile: from 28.76 to 38.35
• Reloading of the second loaded projectile: from 19.18 to 23.97
• Reloading between shells: from 8.00 to 3.50
• Rate of fire: from 3 , 13 to 2.50
• Average damage per minute with a high-explosive (main) projectile: from 2 973 to 2,378
• Average damage per minute with an armor-piercing (alternative) projectile: from 2,034 to 1,627
• Chassis traverse speed: from 34, 42 to 31.29
• Engine power: from 950 to 750
• Power density: from 23.36 to 18.44
source – wotexpress
That thing is an absolute turd burgler…..wannabe FV4005