What do you know about the tanks from Australia? You’re probably wondering OK, they probably exist and maybe they even took part in some fights. Today we would like to inform you about an Australian tank that will soon be on Supertest. This is the Centurion Mk. 5/1 RAAC, tank tier VIII of the British tree, being one of the post-war modifications of Centurion Mk. V with reinforced front armor, better gun and a more powerful engine.
This tank served in Australian armored units during the Vietnam War, where its capabilities were appreciated by both sides of the conflict. Comparing the Australian version with the original version, you can see that it has a slightly better mobility and stabilization, but for a little less hp, 1,400 instead of 1,450 points. Taking this into account, Centurion Mk. 5/1 RAAC should have a play style similar to that of other tanks of this type, with minor modifications.
Tank statistics are subject to change based on test results.
Centurion Mk. 5/1 RAAC. Initial stats:
Level MT-8, UK, can be Premium;
hp: 1400
maximum speed / reverse: 50 / -20 km / h;
the rotation speed: 36 ° /;
tower rotation speed: 36 ° / s;
visual range: 400 m
Hull armor: 76/50/38
Armor tower: 254/88/88
Damage: 230/230/280
Penetration: 226/258/42;
Recharge time: 7.5;
dispersion at 100 m: 0.33;
Aiming time: 2.3 sec
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Centurion Mk. 5/1 RAAC. Parametri iniziali:
Livello MT-8, UK, può essere Premium;
hp: 1400
velocità massima / retromarcia: 50 / -20 km / h,;
la velocità di rotazione: 36 ° /;
velocità di rotazione della torre: 36 ° / s;
raggio visivo: 400 m
Corazza scafo: 76/50/38
Corazza torre: 254/88/88
Penetrazione: 226/258/42;
Tempo di ricarica: 7,5 ;
Dispersione a 100 m: 0,33;
Tempo di puntamento: 2,3 sec
via WoT VK e forum WoT