ERAC 105 Proto Enters WoT Supertest
On Thursday, the ERAC 105 Proto (France, Tier-9, LT, premium) entered the WoT supertest. This tank has already appeared in other WG projects, but with different tiers and purposes in each game. For instance, in WoT Console, it is a Tier 8 LT with an impressive Alpha of 390. Meanwhile, in WoT Blitz, it is a Tier 8 LT that can be upgraded as part of the new France sub-branch.
Key Specifications:
- Average Damage: 320/320/420
- Average Armor Penetration (mm): 222/270/53
- Rate of Fire (rounds/min): 5.85
- Loading Time (sec): 10.26
- Turret Traverse Speed (deg/s): 43.81
- Hull Traverse Speed (deg/s): 46.94
- Gun Elevation/Depression (deg): -8/15
- Aiming Time (sec): 1.82
- Accuracy at 100 m: 0.34
- Average Damage per Minute: 1,872
- Strength (HP): 1,300
- Hull Armor (frontal/side/rear in mm): 20/15/15
- Turret Armor (frontal/side/rear in mm): 20/15/15
- Track Repair Time (sec): 8.02
- Maximum Weight (t): 8/11
- Engine Power (hp): 240
- Specific Power (hp/t): 30
- Max. Speed/Reverse (km/h): 70/23
- Stationary Vehicle Camo (%): 16.36/3.42
- Moving Vehicle Camo (%): 16.36/3.42
- View Range (m): 390
Historical Reference
The ERAC 105 Proto was a project for an amphibious armored reconnaissance vehicle (French: engin de reconnaissance amphibie de combat) from the early 1960s. A working prototype was built in 1963. The vehicle combined low weight with significant firepower and could ford wet gaps. Its advantages included high crossing capacity over mud and snow, while its aluminum alloy hull offered better protection than most amphibious vehicles of that time. Despite positive trial results, the ERAC 105 Proto did not enter service due to economic reasons.
- Commander (Radio Operator)
- Gunner (Loader)
- Driver

source – wotexpress eu