Matilda LVT (UK, MT-4, premium) went live on ST.
* Matilda LVT is a Matilda chassis tank with a totally new remodel turret. Suppose that it will go either in boxes in 2022, or as a New Year’s gift in 2022.
** In the fall of 1941, the Australian army received 200 Matilda infantry tanks as military assistance, which were later actively used in hostilities in Southeast Asia. The vehicle combined strong armor with weak weapons and was delivered without HE shells. Over time, the Australians set up their own production of these tanks, and subsequently conducted several experiments with the installation of turrets from other vehicles, including the LVT (A) -4 and LVT (A) -5. The combat path and design details are unknown.
* Matilda LVT è un carro armato Matilda con una torretta rimodellata completamente nuova. Supponiamo che andrà in scatole nel 2022 o come regalo di Capodanno nel 2022.
** Nell’autunno del 1941, l’esercito australiano ricevette 200 carri armati di fanteria Matilda come assistenza militare, che furono successivamente utilizzati attivamente nelle ostilità nel sud-est asiatico. Il veicolo combinava una forte corazza con armi deboli ed è stato consegnato senza proiettili HE. Nel tempo, gli australiani hanno creato la propria produzione di questi carri armati e successivamente hanno condotto diversi esperimenti con l’installazione di torrette di altri veicoli, tra cui LVT (A) -4 e LVT (A) -5 . Il percorso di combattimento e i dettagli di progettazione sono sconosciuti.

Matilda LVT. Characteristics for a 100% trained crew:
Tier: MT-4, Great Britain, premium
Endurance: 500
Engine power: 190 hp
Weight: 23.73 t
Maximum load: 29.0 t
Power per ton: 8.01 KM / t
Maximum speed / Reverse speed: 24 / – 11 km / h
Rotation speed: 37.55 ° / s
Gun rotation speed: 16.69 ° / s
Ground resistance: – / – / – View
range: 320 m
Signal range: 450 m
Hull armor:
75/70/55 Turret armor: 38/25/25
Gun: 75 mm AT Gun M3
110/110/175 Penetration:
91/144/38 Rate of fire: 13.31
Average damage per minute: 1,465
Reload time: 4.51 s
Spread per 100 m: 0.41
Aiming time: 1.63 s Lowering
limitations / gun elevation: -10 ° / +20 °
Shells: 70
Crew of 3 people: Commander (Radio Operator); Gunner (Loader); Driver mechanic.
Role in battle: Light Assault Vehicle.
Camouflage Value:
- Masking a stationary vehicle: 16.99 / 4.42% (for a stationary vehicle / for a stationary vehicle after firing a shot);
- Masking the vehicle in motion: 12.71 / 3.3% (for a moving vehicle / for a moving vehicle after firing a shot).
Sorry, but where did WG get their information about this concoction? Have NEVER heard of a Matilda fitted with an LTV turret and can find no references to any such variation of the Matilda.