A new premium tank popped up on Supertest server just today. Do you want a new premium tank? It’s Chinese! Enjoy!
WZ-113-II (China, HT-8, premium) was released this afternoon for testing. For what and how it will be – is still unknown.
Project of a heavy tank, which is one of the variants of combat vehicles developed as part of the design work on model 113. It was assumed that the used and proven units and assemblies of medium tanks would be widely used. This version of the machine provided for the use of Chinese counterparts of Soviet designs, information about which came from various sources. In connection with the appearance of the class of main battle tanks, work on the “Model 113” was curtailed.
Progetto di un carro pesante, che è una delle varianti di veicoli da combattimento sviluppate come parte del lavoro di progettazione sul modello 113. Si presumeva che le unità e gli assiemi utilizzati e collaudati di carri armati medi sarebbero stati ampiamente utilizzati. Questa versione della macchina prevedeva l’uso di controparti cinesi di progetti sovietici, le cui informazioni provenivano da varie fonti. In connessione con l’apparizione della classe dei principali carri armati, il lavoro sul “Modello 113” è stato ridotto.
WZ-113-II – Characteristics for a 100% trained crew:
Tier: HT-8, China, premium
HP: 1,550
Engine power: 600 hp
Weight: 40.37 t
Maximum load: 48.0 t
Power per ton: 14.86 KM / t
Maximum speed / Reverse speed: 40 / – 15 km / h
Rotation speed: 34.42 ° / s
Gun rotation speed: 36.50 ° / s
Ground resistance: – / – / –
View range: 380 m
Signal range: 750 m
- Hull armor: 120/120/70
- Turret armor: 240/187/65
Gun: 100 mm D-54TA
Damage: 320/320/420
Penetration: 215/265/50
Rate of fire: 6.26
Average damage per minute: 2,003
Average damage per minute with HE ammunition: 2,630
Reload time: 9.59 s
Spread per 100 m: 0.37
Aiming time: 2.21 s
Gun depression / elevation limits: -4 ° / +17 °
- Number of shells: 60 pcs.
- 4-person crew: Commander, Driver-mechanic, Targeter, Radio operator and Loader.
- Equipment category: Service life.
- Role in battle: Breakthrough tank.
Camouflage Value:
- Masking a stationary vehicle: 6.9 / 1.37% (for a stationary vehicle / for a stationary vehicle after firing a shot);
- Masking the vehicle in motion: 3.48 / 0.69% (for a moving vehicle / for a moving vehicle after firing a shot).
source – wotexpress and rykoszet.info