T-34 model 1940 – another premium (and a clone) on the supertest. It’s the next gift tank for this year 2021, it is supposed.
T-34 model 1940 (USSR, MT-4, premium) was released today for testing. Short name of the vehicle: T-34 1940. This is another clone, this premium is a complete copy of the regular T-34 tank.
* Developed by the design bureau of the Kharkov plant No. 183 under the leadership of Mikhail Koshkin. When creating the machine, the designers managed to achieve the optimal combination of the main combat characteristics – firepower, security and dynamics. The T-34 was armed with a powerful long-barreled 76-mm gun L-11 (model 1938-1939), had anti-cannon armor protection and had good mobility. In terms of its combat characteristics, it surpassed all the same type of foreign tanks of the initial period of World War II. Subsequently, the T-34 tank had a huge impact on the development of Soviet and world tank building.
T-34 modello 1940: un altro premium (e clone) sul supertest. È il prossimo mezzo regalo per quest’anno 2021, si suppone.
Nome abbreviato del veicolo: T-34 1940. Questo è un altro clone, questo premium è una copia completa del normale carro armato T-34.
* Sviluppato dall’ufficio di progettazione dello stabilimento n. 183 di Kharkov sotto la guida di Mikhail Koshkin. Durante la creazione della macchina, i progettisti sono riusciti a ottenere la combinazione ottimale delle principali caratteristiche di combattimento: potenza di fuoco, sicurezza e dinamica. Il T-34 era armato con un potente cannone L-11 da 76 mm a canna lunga (modello 1938-1939), aveva una protezione anti-cannone e una buona mobilità. In termini di caratteristiche di combattimento, ha superato lo stesso tipo di carri armati stranieri del periodo iniziale della seconda guerra mondiale. Successivamente, il carro armato T-34 ha avuto un enorme impatto sullo sviluppo della costruzione di carri armati sovietici e mondiali.
T-34 mod. 1940. Characteristics for a 100% trained crew:
Tier: MT-4, USSR, premium
Hitpoints: 560
Engine power: 500 HP
Weight: 26.86.0 t
Maximum load: 30.0 t
Power per ton: 18.62 KM / t
Maximum speed / Reverse speed: 54 / – 20 km / h
Rotation speed: 38.59 ° / s
Gun rotation speed: 40.0 ° / s
Maximum turret rotation angle: 360 °
Ground resistance: – / – / –
View range: 320 m
Signal range: 459 m
- Hull armor: 45/45/40
- Turret armor: 45/45/45
Gun: 76 mm L-11
- Damage: 110/110/164
- Penetration: 68/98/38
Rate of fire: 10.43
Average damage per minute: 1,147
Average damage per minute with HE ammunition: 1,710
Reload time: 5.75 s
Spread per 100 m: 0.51
Aiming time: 2.9 s.
Gun depression / elevation limits: -5 ° / +25 °
Shells: 77
4-person crew: Commander, Driver-mechanic, Radio operator and Loader.
Camouflage Value:
- Masking a stationary vehicle: 18.45 / 4.8% (for a stationary vehicle / for a stationary vehicle after firing a shot);
- Masking the vehicle in motion: 14.57 / 3.79% (for a moving vehicle / for a moving vehicle after firing a shot).
source – wotexpress/rykoszet.info