Škoda T 56 (Czechoslovakia, HT-8, prem, drum for 2 shells) was released this afternoon for testing for the WOT supertest. This is the first high-tier heavy tank in Czechoslovakia, which has the features of a future branch. The testing of the new ST branch line itself will begin very soon. Prem should come out before the release of pumped tanks.
How this premium can be obtained is unknown.
* In the 1950s, in Czechoslovakia, work continued on the original projects of combat vehicles with extensive use of the ideas of the Soviet tank school and their own developments. One of these projects was the T-56 tank, developed by Škoda. The work was curtailed due to the unification of the weapons of countries participating in the Warsaw Pact Organization. Not a single sample was released.
Škoda T 56 (Cecoslovacchia, HT-8, prem, batteria per 2 fusti) è stato rilasciato questo pomeriggio per i test per il supertest WOT. Questo è il primo carro pesante di alto livello in Cecoslovacchia, che ha le caratteristiche di un futuro ramo. Presto inizierà il collaudo della nuova diramazione ST. Prem dovrebbe uscire prima del rilascio dei serbatoi pompati.
Non è noto come si possa ottenere questo premio.
*Negli anni ’50, in Cecoslovacchia, continuarono i lavori sui progetti originali di veicoli da combattimento con ampio uso delle idee della scuola di carri armati sovietici e dei loro sviluppi. Uno di questi progetti è stato il carro armato T-56, sviluppato da Škoda. Il lavoro è stato ridotto a causa dell’unificazione delle armi dei paesi partecipanti all’Organizzazione del Patto di Varsavia. Non è stato rilasciato un solo campione.
Tier: HT-8, Czechoslovakia, premium
HP: 1,500
Engine power: 650 hp
Weight: 48.0 t
Maximum load: 50.0 t
Power per ton: 13.54 KM / t
Maximum speed / Reverse speed: 35 / – 15 km / h
Rotation speed: 27.12 ° / s
Gun rotation speed: 27.12 ° / s
Ground resistance: 1.1 / 1.2 / 2.3
View range: 370 m
Signal range: 850 m
Hull armor: 100/70/70
Turret armor: 220/95/70
Gun: 130 mm Škoda R 14
Damage: 460/460/640
Penetration: 208/290/68
Rate of fire: 4.29
Average damage per minute: 1,974
Shells in magazine: 2
Recharge time between shots: 4.0 s
Full reload time: 23.97 s
Dispersion per 100 m: 0.38
Aiming time: 2.78 s
Limits of gun depression / elevation: -8°/+15°
Shells: 30
4-person crew: Commander, Driver-mechanic, Targeter and Loader.
Camouflage Value:
- Masking a stationary vehicle: 6.78 / 1.04% (for a stationary vehicle / for a stationary vehicle after firing a shot);
- Masking the vehicle in motion: 3.42 / 0.52% (for a moving vehicle / for a moving vehicle after the shot has been fired).
source – wotexpress and rikoszet.info