Yesterday, the WoT supertest also included modifications to the weapon for the upgraded Tier 8 SMV CC-67 Italian tank destroyer. The changes affected stock guns for SMV CC-67 and TOP guns for SMV CC-56 (TD-7). It is a nerf.
Controcarro mod. 67 (Italy, TD-8, drum for 3 or 5 rounds, regular). Changes regarding the first iteration of the supertest.
Turret 1/2 Gun 1 (Stock)
• Special round: from HEAT to Sub-caliber
• Armor penetration by AP shell: from 225 to 170
• Armor penetration by AP shell at 500m: from 210 to 160
• Armor penetration by AP shell: from 310 to 212
• Armor penetration by APCR at 500m: 183
• Armor penetration by HE shell: from 105 to 53
• Muzzle speed of AP shell: from 1,155 to 903
• Muzzle speed of AP shell: from 800 to 1,186
• Muzzle speed of HE shell: s 800 to 827
• Armor-piercing projectile damage: from 360 to 320
• Sub-caliber projectile damage: from 360 to 320
• HE shell damage: from 440 to 420
• Average damage per minute: from 1,908 to 1,696
• Average HE shell damage per minute: from 2,332 to 2,226
• Armor-piercing shell cost: from 930 to 550
• Sub-caliber shell cost: from 4,800 x 4,400
• HE shell price: from 1,120 to 750
source – wotexpress