WoT Supertest: Introducing the XM57
The XM57, a premium Tank Destroyer (TD) from the USA at Tier-8, was unveiled on May 10 for the WoT supertest. While this tank doesn’t feature any special mechanics, it stands out with its striking appearance.
The characteristics and appearance of the XM57 are always at the forefront. However, the specific purpose and method of use remain a mystery.
XM57 (tier 8 Tank Destroyer, USA) – full preliminary stats
- Average damage: 630/630/900
- Average armor penetration (mm): 270/315/90
- Rate of fire (rounds/min): 3.82
- Loading of the gun (sec): 15.72
- Turret Traverse Speed (deg/s): 22.95
- Hull Traverse Speed (deg/s): 25.03
- Gun elevation/depression (deg): -7/15
- Aiming time (sec): 2.59
- Accuracy at 100 m: 0.43
- Average damage per minute: 2,404
- Strength (HP): 1,400
- Hull Armor (frontal/side/rear in mm): 121/76/38
- Turret Armor (frontal/side/rear in mm): 305/102/38
- Track Repair time (sec): 12.03
- Weight / maximum weight of the machine(t): 60/65
- Engine power (hp): 810
- Specific power (hp/t): 13.5
- Max. speed/reverse (km/h): 24/12
- Stationary vehicle camo (%): 16.36/2.21
- Camo in motion (%): 9.8/1.32
- View Range (m): 370
The XM57 is operated by a crew of four: a Commander who also serves as the Radio Operator, a Driver, a Gunner, and a Loader.