World of Tanks TVP T 50/51 official stats
HEre is the armor schemes and the stats of TVP T 50/51 from official sources:
Pubblicati schemi delle corazze e caratteristiche dello Skoda TVP T 50/51:
Tank: czech tier X medium tank
Hitpoint: 1800
Crew: 4 (commander, gunner, driver, loader)
Weight (peso): 43 tons
Engine (motore): 1000 hp
Speed (vel. max): 60/20 km/h
Chassis traverse speed (vel. rotazione scafo): 54 deg/sec
Turret traverse limit (rotazione torretta): 36 deg/sec
Terrain Resistance (reistsenza al terreno): 0,767/1,055/1,726
Armor hull (corazza scafo): 65/40/30
Turret armor: 120/80/60
Gun (cannone): 100mm AK1
Penetration (penetrazione): 248/310/50
Damage (danno): 320/320/420
DPM (danno al minuto): 2609,4
ROF (rateo): 4,76 rounds per minute
Autoloader: 4 rounds
Time between shots: 1,5 seconds
Magazine reload: 24,932s
Accuracy (precisione): 0,35
Aim time (tempo mira): 2.1s
Depression (depressione): -8/+20
View Range (raggio visivo): 410
Signal Distance (portata radio): 850