1. New map “Oyster Bay”
- New map “Oyster Bay” has been added.
The map became the silver medalist of the “Reconnaissance in combat” mode 2021
Summer. Size – 1300×1300
The key encounter zone on this volcanic peninsula is a winding rocky gorge where heavily armored tanks and assault guns will find their way. The airfield on the other flank provides a good opportunity to quickly move vehicles closer to the enemy base (or return to defend one’s own), but this zone is poorly protected, and you should rely on vehicle mobility there. The coastal zones are also quite open: you can place positions for ambush tank destroyers there, as well as use the terrain for maneuvers of light and medium tanks.
2. Map improvements (1 pack 2023)
- The central direction has been reworked to improve the comfort of playing on heavily armored vehicles (squares D5–D7, E5–E7). The “shelves” on the sides have become a little larger and now allow you to play from several positions.
- The vehicle collision zone has been shifted to the center of the map, which made it possible to balance the range of shots.
- Added a move from the central hill to the TT direction (squares E5, E6, D5, D6).
- Due to the improvement of shelters, the variability of actions in the LT direction has been increased (squares B4–B7).
- Driving to the island from the side of the lower team in squares H2, H3 has become safer.
- Added cover in square G4 to slightly cover the mountain from the side of the small island. It also allows you to defend against the enemy, who occupied a small island.
- Added some cover for bottom team in squares E7, E8.
- Removed the ability to fire from the mountain at the vehicles of the bottom team in square E7.
- A house has been added to cover the gap between the vehicle collision point in square D7.
- Strengthening the defensive positions of the top team to balance the sides.
- Reworked defensive position in square A3. Now it is easier to stop the enemy advance from it.
- In square C4, the length of the hill has been increased for a more comfortable defense of the upper base.
3. Training ground
– Players will now be able to complete the Training Ground on Tier VI-VII vehicles.
– The nation of vehicles for completing the Training Ground will depend on the country and region of the player.
– Upon entering the main Hangar for the first time, players will receive three Tier III vehicles of the same nations that could be used to complete the Training Ground. Tier I cars of other nations will not be credited. The total number of vehicle slots will not change.
4. In-game store
Equipment “Increased projectile resistance” has been added to the “Maintenance” and “Goods for Bonds” sections.
1. Nuova mappa “Oyster Bay”
- È stata aggiunta la nuova mappa “Oyster Bay”.
La mappa è diventata la medaglia d’argento della modalità “Riconoscimento in combattimento” 2021
Estate. Dimensioni: 1300 x 1300
La zona di incontro chiave su questa penisola vulcanica è una gola rocciosa tortuosa dove troveranno la loro strada carri armati pesantemente corazzati e cannoni d’assalto. L’aerodromo sull’altro fianco offre una buona opportunità per spostare rapidamente i veicoli più vicino alla base nemica ( o tornare per difendere i propri), ma questa zona è scarsamente protetta e dovresti fare affidamento sulla mobilità dei veicoli. per manovre di carri armati leggeri e medi.
2. Miglioramenti mappa (1 pacchetto 2023)
- La direzione centrale è stata rielaborata per migliorare il comfort di gioco su veicoli pesantemente corazzati (caselle D5–D7, E5–E7). I “ripiani” sui lati sono diventati un po’ più grandi e ora ti permettono di giocare da diverse posizioni.
- La zona di collisione del veicolo è stata spostata al centro della mappa, il che ha permesso di bilanciare il raggio di tiro.
- Aggiunta una mossa dalla collina centrale alla direzione TT (caselle E5, E6, D5, D6).
- Grazie al miglioramento dei rifugi, è stata aumentata la variabilità delle azioni in direzione LT (quadranti B4–B7).
- Guidare verso l’isola dal lato della squadra inferiore nei riquadri H2, H3 è diventato più sicuro.
- Aggiunta copertura nel quadrato G4 per coprire leggermente la montagna dal lato della piccola isola. Ti permette anche di difenderti dal nemico, che occupava una piccola isola.
- Aggiunta una copertura per la squadra in basso nelle caselle E7, E8.
- Rimossa la possibilità di sparare dalla montagna ai veicoli della squadra in basso nel riquadro E7.
- È stata aggiunta una casa per coprire lo spazio tra il punto di collisione del veicolo nella casella D7.
- Rafforzare le posizioni difensive della squadra migliore per bilanciare le parti.
- Rielaborata posizione difensiva nella casella A3. Ora è più facile fermare l’avanzata nemica da essa.
- Nella piazza C4, la lunghezza della collina è stata aumentata per una più comoda difesa della base superiore.
3. Campo di allenamento
– I giocatori ora potranno completare il campo di addestramento su veicoli di livello VI-VII.
– La nazione dei veicoli per completare il campo di addestramento dipenderà dal paese e dalla regione del giocatore.
– Su entrando nell’Hangar principale per la prima volta, i giocatori riceveranno tre veicoli di livello III delle stesse nazioni che potranno essere utilizzati per completare il campo di addestramento. Le auto di livello I di altre nazioni non verranno accreditate. Il numero totale di veicoli gli slot non cambieranno.
4. Negozio in-game
L’equipaggiamento “Maggiore resistenza ai proiettili” è stato aggiunto alle sezioni “Manutenzione” e “Merci per obbligazioni”.
5. Capovolgimento automatico (solo in RU)
È stato aggiunto un auto – flip per tutte le modalità di gioco – in caso di ribaltamento di un veicolo senza possibilità di ulteriore movimento indipendente, viene avviato un timer con un tempo (5 secondi), trascorso il quale il veicolo verrà automaticamente ribaltato nella posizione originale.
5. Auto Flip (only in RU)
An auto – flip has been added for all game modes – in the event of a vehicle tipping over without the possibility of further independent movement, a timer is started with a time (5 seconds), after which the vehicle will automatically be turned over to its original position.
6. Overhaul of the stun mechanics (only in RU)
- Removed the ability to damage yourself in any way (except in modes where the rules allow you to damage an ally).
- It has become impossible to stun an ally or self in any of the currently existing modes.
- The stun does not extend if it hits an enemy that is already stunned.
- The duration of the stun and the effect of the stun on the crew are now fixed values and no longer depend on the amount of damage dealt. However, they still may vary depending on the equipment that was installed on the target machine.
- The Splinter Liner equipment has an additional parameter that reduces the effect of the stun on the crew (-10%/-15% depending on whether the equipment was installed in a specialized slot).
- Removed the parameter that affects the duration of the additional stun (because the tank cannot be re-stunned during the previous stun). It will no longer be displayed in interfaces.
- Increased the reward for the vehicle that caused the stun by ~7% when allies deal damage to the stunned enemy.
- Removed the minimum stun duration limit. Previously, the stun time could not be less than 5 seconds (if it was less in time, it did not overlap).
- The wording “Stun” in statistics, including post-battle, has been replaced with “Disorientation”. However, if the enemy received a stun from Artillery, mines, bombers, he still sees the inscription “crew stun”.
- The mission conditions of the LBZ campaigns have been revised : all missions related to stuns can now only be completed on self-propelled guns, which is explicitly stated in the mission conditions.
- Simplified task conditions related to the total stun time (it is reduced by ~20%) and the number of stuns per battle if it was necessary to stun 5 or more vehicles. This is due to a decrease in the potential stun time for SPGs, the inability to apply a second stun, as well as the reworking of consumables for subsequent updates.
— Decreased maximum stun time for self-propelled guns.
* The duration of the stun is indicated for an enemy that does not have modifications, equipment or equipment that affect the duration of the stun.

* The duration of the stun is indicated for an enemy that does not have modifications, equipment or equipment that affect the duration of the stun.
7. Revision of task conditions for campaigns (only in RU)
As part of the Stun mechanics overhaul, the terms of campaign objectives have been revised (only RU)

8. Customization
— Added new 2D styles: will be added later
9. Changes in vehicle parameters (WG and part of RUBY)
WG and RU
For testing by supertesters, the ST-62 variant 2 vehicle (LT-10, premium magazine for 3 shells with reverse reloading) has been added.
For testing by supertesters, a TITT Rozanova machine (TD-8, premium) has been added.

For testing by supertesters, the MBT-B machine (HT-10, promo) has been added.

For testing by supertesters, Latta Stridsfordon (TD-9, promo, mechanics: hydropneumatic suspension with button activation) has been added.

8. Personalizzazione
— Aggiunti nuovi stili 2D (N pz.): sarà aggiunto in seguito
9. Modifiche ai parametri del veicolo (WG e parte RU)
WG e RU.
Per i test da parte dei supertester, la ST-62 variante 2 veicolo (LT-10, caricatore premium per 3 proiettili con ricarica inversa) è stato aggiunto.
Per i test dei supertester, è stata aggiunta una macchina TITT Rozanova (MT-8, premium).
Per i test da parte dei supertester, l’MBT-B ( HT-10, promo) è stato aggiunto.
Per i test dei supertester, Latta Stridsfordon car (TD-9, promo, meccanica: sospensione idropneumatica con attivazione a pulsante)
Only in RUBY.
For technical testing, the WZ-111 MT vehicle (China, TT-10, premium) has been added. Just a WZ-111 clone .

• Chassis traverse spread (max): c 0.20 (3.96) to 0.20 (3.55)
• Scope traverse spread (max): c 0.14 (2.92 ) by 0.14 (2.48)
• Horizontal speed. sight shift: from 20.86 to 17.73
• Aiming time: from 2.97 to 2.78
• Spread per 100 m: from 0.40 to 0.37
• Vertical aiming angles down: from -5 to -10
• Armor penetration of 1 (AP) shell at 500m: from 188 to 205
• Armor penetration of 2 (AP) shells at 500m: from 221 to 231
• Hull forehead armor: c 200 to 230
• Turret forehead armor: c 200 to 230
• Chassis turning speed: from 19.82 to 17.73
• Horizontal speed. sight shift: from 20.86 to 17.73
• Front hull armor: c 200 to 230
• Front turret armor: c 200 to 230
Suspension 1/2 – O-Ho [Stock]
• Chassis traverse speed: 17.73 to 15.64
• Dispersion from chassis traverse ( max): c 0.22 (3.90) to 0.22 (3.44)
Suspension 2/2 – O-Ho Kai [TOP]
• Chassis traverse speed: c 19.82 to 17.73
• landing gear (max.): c 0.20 (3.96) to 0.20 (3.55)
Gun 1/3 – 10 cm Cannon Type 92 [Stock]
• Elevation angles down: c -5 to -10
• Dispersion from sight rotation (max.): from 0.12 (2.50) to 0.12 (2.13)
Gun 2/3 – 10 cm Experimental Tank Gun Kai
• Aiming time: from 2.97 to 2, 78
• Dispersion at 100 m: from 0.40 to 0.37
• Downward elevation angles: c -5 to -10
• Spread from sight rotation (max.): c 0.14 (2.92) to 0.14 (2.48)
• Armor penetration of 1 (AP) shell at 500m: c 188 to 205
• Armor penetration of 2 (AP) shells at 500m: c 221 to 231
Gun 3/3 – 15 cm Howitzer Type 96 [TOP]
• Down elevation angles: c -1 to -6
• Spread from sight rotation (max .): from 0.14 (2.92) to 0.14 (2.48)
source – wotexpress