3D style “Pojistka” for TVP T 50/51
Can be knocked out from the Engineer portal (with only 5% chance).
This style has unique marks: yes. All-season style available for event pick-up”Waffentrager: Project Hyperion.”
Hounds… Why do they call us that? Why not hunters or, say, liquidators?
– It’s not clear. Those who sit at the Alliance headquarters and give orders to people like us – young and bad – consider themselves hunters. In the end, they get the trophies and the glory. And we are like that… Chain dogs, always eager to fight for… well, let there be a “just cause”. But when it comes to the von Krieger family, I would think twice about nicknames. The first meeting with Max, judging by the reports, did not go too smoothly. And the command prefers not to remember the collision with his “sweet” daughter at all. The question is, who was hunting whom?
Fortunately, this time we at least have more or less equipment. Four hits from my Gauss, even for these “electronics”, will not pass without a trace. True, something tells me that a surprise is already prepared for us too. And it’s hardly tea and cake.
Fictional. Group: Special. Price: 5000 gold. Maximum per account: 1. Only for tank: TVP T 50/51. ID: 805.
source – wotexpress eu

source – wotexpress