World of Tanks: weekend deals Grab the Škoda T 56, AMX 13 57 and T78: three powerful tanks for different playstyles.
Are you looking for some new vehicles to spice up your battles? Then don’t miss this chance to get your hands on three amazing tanks that are back in the Premium Store. Whether you prefer brute force, stealth, or sniping, you will find a tank that suits your style. Plus, all of these tanks are very effective and fun to play.
• Škoda T 56 This Czech beast is a heavy tank with a devastating autoloader. It can unleash four shots in a row, each dealing massive damage. Its gun also has good accuracy and penetration, making it a formidable opponent on any map. The Škoda T 56 is available in four bundles, starting from 1,109 UAH or 42.51 €.
• AMX 13 57 This French light tank is a master of stealth and mobility. It can zip around the battlefield, spotting enemies and delivering quick bursts of fire with its autoloader. It also has a very fast reload time, allowing it to keep the pressure on its targets. The AMX 13 57 is available in two bundles, starting from 812 UAH or 31.61 €.
• T78 This American tank destroyer is a sniper’s dream. It has a powerful gun with high alpha damage and excellent aiming time. It can also relocate quickly, thanks to its decent speed and mobility. The T78 is available in two bundles, starting from 469 UAH or 19.22 €.
Don’t miss this opportunity to add these awesome tanks to your collection.
They are only available from January 19, 12:00 to January 26, 12:00 (GMT+ 3). Hurry up and get them while you can!