World of Tanks Winter Auction 2024: Day 2 Asia
Tier X Chinese Heavy Tank BZ-72-1
Are you ready for the second day of the Winter Auction 2024 in World of Tanks? This is a game event that allows you to bid for and win some of the rarest and most powerful vehicles in the game. The auction will last for five days, from January 24 to 29. Each day, a new lot will be available for bidding. You will need to use free experience as the currency.
ASIA server: 2nd lot
The second lot features the BZ-72-1, a Tier X Chinese heavy tank. This tank is new and has never been seen before in the game. It has a unique mechanic that allows it to use rocket boosters to increase its speed. This mechanic can be used to surprise your enemies, escape from danger, or reach strategic positions.
If you want to bid for this tank, you will need to follow the system: OPEN AUCTION. This means that you can see the competitive bid, which is the median bid of all the participants. The minimum bid is 375,000 free experience, but you can bid higher if you want to increase your chances of winning. The quantity of the tank is limited to 2,500 items. You can place and change bets until January 25, 00:59 (GMT+3).