Ghost 3D style for WZ-111 model 6 (China, HT-8, premium) from 1.21.1
“Father was not often at home, but he didn’t miss the holidays and Yunmei and my birthdays. He was not interested in anything, and spent his rare weekends either in the office or playing mahjong in the tea house.He seems to get lucky a lot. In June 1966 I saw him for the last time. Father came in the morning. My sister and I were having breakfast when he came up to us, smiled and presented me with a photograph of a tank, which I had never seen, although I was already well versed in them. According to his mother, on the same day he left for another business trip.
…I saw him! It was without a doubt the father! He appeared out of nowhere, out of smoke and flames. He closed us from the machine-gun fire, turned the enemy pillbox into dust, and just as suddenly disappeared. Everything happened too fast. My guys didn’t even understand what saved them. But I looked at the photo of this tank too often…»
For all regions, drawn by WG.
Unhistorical. Group: Special. Those. price: 3000 gold. Maximum per account: 1. Tank only: WZ-111 model 6. ID: 815.

source – wotexpress