1.) You can train the captain with free exp:

2.) Missouri has radar added (35 second duration, appears to be the same as Baltimore’s) and rudder shift reduced to 19.4 seconds
3.) New skills (max point limit for skills is now 4, all 5-point skills reworked to lower point values):
Thanks to Urakaze for compiling.
1st Row skills:
Defense tree
-On the mark, shows the number of enemies aiming at you
-Preventive maintenance, -30% chance of module incapacitation
Offense tree
-Expert loader, -50% to ammo swap speed
-Aircraft servicing expert, -10% to servicing time of carrier-based aircrafts, +5% to HP of carrier-based aircrafts
Support tree
-Smoke for the god of fog. +20% to smoke screen radius
-Dogfight, +10% to fighter’s loadout, +10% per tier to DPS dealt towards fighters of a higher tier
Special Ops tree
-Incoming fire alert, alerts player of incoming long range enemy fire (with a shell flight time >6 seconds)
-Evasive maneuver, -40% to detectability of carrier-based bombers returning to carrier, +15% to survivability of carrier-based bombers returning to carrier, -10% to max speed of carrier-based bombers returning to carrier (debuff)
2nd row skills:
Defense tree
-Basics of survivability, -15% to time of firefighting, recovery from flooding and module incapacitations
-Jack of all trades, -5% to consumables reload rate
Offense tree
-Torpedo Acceleration, +5 knots to torpedo speed, -20% to torpedo range
-Expert marksman, +2.5°/sec to traverse speed of guns with caliber up to 139mm. +0.7°/sec to traverse speed of guns with caliber above 139mm
Support tree
-Two is better, sends 2 catapult fighters or spotter plane per activation of the consumable, +20% cruise speed of catapult aircraft
-Expert rear gunner, +10% to DPS of self-defence armament for aircraft with rear gunner(s)
Special Ops tree
–Last Chance, -0.1% of reload time for all weapons per 1% HP loss
-Last Stand, allows ship to maneuver with incapacitated rudder and engine
3rd row skills:
Defense tree
-Firefighters, -7% to risk of fire
-High alert, -10% to reload time of damage control party
Offense tree
-Torpedo experts, -10% to reload time of torpedoes, -20% to servicing time of carrier-based torpedo bombers
-Firey takeoff, allows planes to take off and land even when the carrier deck is on fire
Support tree
-Basic fire training, -10% to reload time of all secondaries and main guns with caliber up to and including 139mm, +20% to DPS of AA guns
-Superintendent, +1 charge to all consumables
Special Ops tree
-Demolition Expert, +3% to chance of fire for HE shells and bombs
-Vigilance, +25% to detection range of enemy torpedoes
4th row skills:
Defense tree:
-Manual fire control for secondary armament, fires only at manually selected targets, -15% to dispersion of secondaries of Tier I-VI ships, -60% to dispersion of secondaries of Tier VII-X ships
-Survival Expert, +400 HP per ship tier
Offense tree:
-HEAP (High-Explosive-Armour-Piercing), +25% of penetration for main and secondary gun HE shells , -6% of chance of fire for main and secondary gun HE shells
-Air Supremacy, +1 fighter per squadron, +1 dive bomber per squadron
Support tree:
-Advanced fire training, +20% to firing range of all secondary guns and main guns with a caliber of up to 139mm, +20% to firing range of AA guns
-Manual fire control for AA armament, fires only at manually selected targets, +100% DPS of AA guns with a caliber of 85mm or above
Special Ops tree:
-Keen Intuition, displays, only to you, the direction of the nearest enemy to your ship, even if the enemies are not spotted
-Concealment Expert, -16% detectability of CVs, -14% detectability of BBs, -12% detectability of CA/CLs, -10% detectability of DDs