- Fixed a bug causing an uneven distribution of ships on each side of the map “Trident” at the beginning of the battle.
- Fixed a bug causing ships to sometimes start the battle underwater on the map “Trident”.
- When creating a division while having ranked or team battles selected, the type of battle will automatically switch to random or coop if the invited player’s account level is 1 or 2.
- Admiral Hipper’s horizontal firing arcs have been improved.
Hull A
- Main turret 2 “dead zone” at short distance was removed.
- Main turret 3, the horizontal firing arc was set to 290 degrees.
Hull B
- Main turret 2, the horizontal firing arc was set to 290 degrees.
- Main turret 3 “dead zone” at short distance was removed.
Hull C
- All main turrets horizontal firing arcs were set to 290 degrees.
These changes to the angle of fire on the old hulls A and B and on the new hull C were made to make the ship more enjoyable on every configuration.