World of Warships Closed Test 13.1: Meet the New Japanese Cruiser Chikuma II
Chikuma II is a Tier IX heavy cruiser that belongs to the Tone class. These ships are known for their distinctive design and their own air group on board. Chikuma II participated in many battles during the Pacific War, from Pearl Harbor to Leyte Gulf, where she met her end. She shares her name with a river on Honshu island and a light cruiser that served in the Japanese Navy from 1912 to 1931.
Chikuma II will appeal to captains who like stealthy Japanese heavy cruisers and hybrid gameplay. She has eight 203mm guns in four twin turrets, but they have slow traverse speed and limited firing angles, which lowers her damage per minute. However, she compensates with her torpedo bombers, which reload faster, deal more damage, and can have up to two charges compared to her sister ship Tone.
She also has ship-mounted torpedoes with long range, high damage, and better launch angles, thanks to the torpedoes’ ability to turn after hitting the water. Chikuma II has excellent concealment and can use the Smoke Generator consumable, but she also has a small HP pool and weak AA, so she needs to be careful when detected. She can also use Hydroacoustic Search and Defensive AA Fire in the same slot. Chikuma II relies heavily on her squadrons and performs best when she uses her stealth to take favorable fights.
She can weaken enemy targets with her torpedo bombers and high-damage torpedoes, and then finish them off with her main battery salvos from the smoke. She should avoid direct confrontations with her peers, as she will struggle against enemy cruisers and battleships in open water.

Chikuma II has the following and preliminary stats and features:
- Hit points – 38900. Plating – 25 mm. Fires duration: 30 s.
- Torpedo protection – 13 %.
- Main battery – 4×2 203 mm. Firing range – 15.7 km.
- Maximum HE shell damage – 3300. HE shell armor penetration – 34 mm. Chance to cause fire – 17%. HE initial velocity – 840 m/s.
- Maximum AP shell damage – 4700. AP initial velocity – 840 m/s.
- Reload time – 16.0 s. 180-degree turn time – 30.0 s. Maximum dispersion – 133 m. Sigma – 2.05.
- Airstrike (DC):
- Reload time – 30.0 s. Available flights – 2. Number of Aircraft in Attacking Flight – 1. Maximum range – 7.0 km. Number of Bombs in Payload – 2. Maximum bomb damage – 4200.0.
- Torpedo tubes – 4×3 610 mm.
- Maximum damage – 23767. Range – 15.0 km. Speed – 60 kt. Reload time – 105 s. Launcher 180-degree turn time – 7.2 s. Torpedo detectability – 1.7 km.
- Secondary Armament:
- 4×2 127.0 mm, range – 7.0 km.
- Maximum HE shell damage – 2100. Chance to cause fire – 8%. HE initial velocity – 725 m/s
- AA defense: 8×3 25.0 mm., 4×2 25.0 mm., 23×1 25.0 mm., 4×2 127.0 mm.
- AA defense short-range: continuous damage per second – 196, hit probability – 85 %, action zone – 2.5 km;
- AA defense long-range: continuous damage per second – 60, hit probability – 90 %, action zone – 5.8 km;
- Number of explosions in a salvo – 3, damage within an explosion – 1540, action zone 3.5 – 5.8 km.
- Maximum speed – 35.5 kt. Turning circle radius – 780 m. Rudder shift time – 10.0 s. Surface detectability – 10.8 km. Air detectability – 7.2 km. Detectability after firing main guns in smoke – 6.2 km.
- Available consumables:
- 1 slot – Damage Control Party (Duration time 5 s; Reload time 60 s; Equipment is unlimited)
- 2 slot – Hydroacoustic Search (Duration time 100 s; Torpedo detection range 3.0 km; Ship detection range 4.0 km; Reload time 120 s; Charges 3)
- 2 slot – Defensive AA Fire (Duration time 40 s; Average AA damage +50%; Damage within the explosion radius of shells fired from medium- and long-range AA defenses 300%; Reload time 80 s; Charges 3)
- 3 slot – Smoke Generator (Duration time 20 s; Duration time 93 s; Radius 450.0 m; Reload time 160 s; Charges 3)
- 4 slot – Repair Party (Duration time 28 s; HP per second 194.5; Reload time 80 s; Charges 4)
- Aircraft:
- Torpedo bombers
- Hit points – 1950, cruising speed – 135.0 knots, maximum speed – 155.0 knots, size of attacking flight – 2, aircraft per squadron – 2, aircraft restoration time – 120 s, detectability range – 7.5 km, number of aircraft on deck – 4.
- Torpedoes in payload – 1, maximum torpedo damage – 9333, torpedo speed – 50.0 knots, torpedo range – 6.0 km, torpedo arming distance 671 m.
- Torpedo bombers
- All stats are listed without crew and upgrade modifiers. The stats are subject to change during the testing.
Chikuma II is a powerful cruiser that can use her airstrike, torpedoes, and smoke generator to deal damage and evade detection. However, she also has low HP, weak AA, and slow main battery reload, so she needs to be careful when facing enemy cruisers and battleships. Chikuma II’s permanent camouflage is still in progress.
source – wows devs blog