World of Warships closed beta bonus code
Here is a bonus code for the closed beta of World of Warships. I don’t know if it works, let’s try. Go to the portal (eu or na), login or signup and then type the code!
Code: CBTWOWS2015
Ecco un codice per avere accesso alla closed beta di World of Warships, non so se funziona ma provate ugualmente. Basta andare sul portale effettuare login o iscrizione, inserire il codice e sperare!
P.S. il codice si trova nel video
Hi my name is Giovanni Pisano im a italian gamer, i love World ofWarships but i know him to late and i rade the closed beta is finished.. but please please can i have a key for plays this gameare also wiling to pay pls contact me asap
My dear, the closed beta inscriptions will open soon, pay attention on my site or offical wows site