Directly taken from RU portal, here is a summary about submarines: skills, tech trees, future plans, armaments, countermeasures, etc.
Test plans
The first step is a closed gameplay testing to evaluate the current concept and ensure the stability of test clients.
After this, stages of open testing will take place. We are planning several testing iterations in the second stage. It will be a bit like a beta test and at first, only a part of the players who submitted applications will be able to participate in the testing.
Then – the third stage, when we add submarines to the main client in a separate type of battle, such as Arms Race, Wild Battle or Space Battle. The third stage will last several months. This will allow us to make the final touches on the conditions of the main server and adjust the balance of the new class.
First representatives
The tree of submarines is built by analogy with the tree of aircraft carriers. The first investigated submarine will appear at the sixth level. This will allow us to better balance the submarines for the matchmaker and emphasize the uniqueness of each individual submarine more strongly.
Germany, Soviet Union, and the United States will be the first nations to appear in testing. Japan will join them later.

The main elements of the class
Submarines are inconspicuous hunters, somewhat similar to destroyers. The new class will have a better stealth parameter, low survivability and unique control with new mechanics. Changing the depth will allow the submarine to hide from enemies and become invulnerable to most sources of damage. The submarine will have a limited supply of oxygen for the battle, after which the ship will float up.
There will be three levels of depth:
surface – in this position, the submarine can be detected in the case of its direct line of sight, as well as in the coverage area of the sonar search or search radar, like any other ship in the game. Torpedo launch is available. In this position, oxygen is reduced. Capturing points is possible only in the surface position;
periscopic – in a submarine, visibility is significantly reduced (by 50%). In this position, it can be detected using sonar search or in a standard way from a ship or aircraft. A submarine cannot be detected by radar at this level. Available launch torpedoes and the use of sonar waves. In this position, oxygen is wasted;
submarine – ships cannot detect a submarine using standard methods (even with equipment). However, in this position, the submarine can be detected by another submarine in periscope and underwater positions at a distance of 2 kilometers or closer. At the same time, the submarine itself cannot launch torpedoes and does not see anyone, except at a distance of 2 km. In this position, oxygen is wasted. The noise finder works;

When diving, the submarine will “blind” and see the ships only with the help of a noise finder, which determines the direction to the nearest ships. The noise finder is divided into three zones – far, middle and near. Zones allow you to understand how far the enemy ship is.
Together with the noise finder, we added a visual effect that displays the waves emitted by the sonar, outlining and illuminating the underwater terrain around the submarine.
The main weapons of submarines are torpedoes with sonar guidance. Being in a periscope position, the submarine can launch a sonar wave after launching a torpedo. A special indicator next to the torpedo will inform that the acoustic wave has successfully reached the required point on the ship. The launch mechanics will work by analogy with a shot – you need to take a lead and click on the left mouse button. If the wave hits a designated point on the bow or stern of the ship, then the torpedo will begin to be brought to the target. However, the shunting characteristics of the torpedo will not always be enough to accurately bring to the target. After the second hit with a hydroacoustic wave, the torpedo will be able to deepen, which will allow it to detonate under the ship’s hull, ignore the PTZ and inflict significantly more damage.
However, you need to be extremely careful when using a hydroacoustic wave – each such wave will allow enemy ships to determine the last location of the submarine, and it will be displayed on their minimap.
In addition, the submarines will have new unique equipment or abilities that emphasize their unusual features and a special style of play.
Air defense and gun installations in submarines are disabled according to the game concept and will not function.
The new class will be equipped with unique equipment:
- “Ultimate Depth” will allow you to dive deeper than the standard “underwater” level and avoid damage from deep-sea bombs;
- “Snorkel” will increase the time to conduct an attack. When activated, the submarine stops spending and begins to accumulate oxygen in the periscope position;
- “Regeneration O 2 ” will increase the time spent by the submarine under water;
- “Improved active sonar” will increase the effectiveness of sonar waves.
Submarines are relatively slow. Their speed in the surface position is 25-30 knots, in the periscope position the speed of the submarine will decrease, and in the underwater position it will be equal to the surface speed.
After the submarine is found in the surface or periscope position, it can be attacked with high-explosive shells, missiles and bombs. Their blast wave can hit targets at a certain radius.
Another submarine can hit a submarine with torpedoes or a ram. Torpedoes with the help of a “successfully hit” sonar wave will be able to dive to a certain depth and hit the enemy submarine.
What to do if the submarine has gone deep? In this case, she cannot attack anyone, but other classes of ships cannot hit her either. Here destroyers – the main opponents of the submarines – enter the battle. They will be able to effectively track submarines and hit them with depth charges. Almost all destroyers will be equipped with this weapon, with the exception of a few on which it was not provided for by the designers.
If a submarine is found within a radius of 4–5 km, a special indicator will inform the destroyer about this. When approaching an enemy submarine, the destroyer will see its last estimated location. After arriving at this place, the next point will be displayed, and so on several times, although the submarine itself remains invisible to opponents. As a result, after approaching and determining the approximate location of the submarine, the destroyer will be able to carry out an attack with depth charges. The weapons are activated automatically, and to activate them you just need to swim over the detected submarine – the shells will be dropped automatically.

Expect further directions!
The gameplay of submarines is, first and foremost, positioning, planning, waiting for the best moment for an attack, and then going deeper. The new class will be significantly different from other classes and, we hope, will bring completely new sensations to the naval battles of World of Warships.
Of course, along with the new class, the skill tree will be updated, as well as new upgrades.
source – wows ru