Source – facebook devs blog
ST. New nation.
Pan-american nation is added to the game. It comprises 3 new commanders, additional carousel filter and a new ship – USS Boise becomes Pan-American ARA Nueve de Julio.

ST. New Patches.
New patches are added to the game. Several symbols are created for the new ships – Nueve de Julio, Monaghan, Z-39, Cossack and Massachusetts. There are also patches for Independence day, continuation of American events in game and King of the Sea tournament patch.
Another addition – patch backgrounds that can display players’ clan tag. If a player is not a part of a clan, a standard symbol is displayed instead of a clan tag.

ST. New camouflage
“Freedom” permanent camo is added for the tier VIII American cruiser Baltimore. -10% to ship’s post-battle service cost +50% to XP earned in the battle -3% to detectability range by sea +4% to maximum dispersion of shells fired by the enemy attacking your ship
ST. Balance changes. American cruiser Indianapolis, tier VII
9.9 km range of Surveillance Radar makes Indianapolis quite a unique tier VII premium ship. However, ship’s qualities as a heavy cruiser are sometimes not enough to react timely to the ever-evolving combat situation. That’s why in the 07.5 update the ship gets buffs for her rudder shift and turret traverse which will make Indianapolis’ gameplay more lively. The cruiser will remain very competitive with the New Orleans, that moves down to tier VII. New stats:
- Rudder shift time decreased from 9.1 to 8.4 seconds;
- Turret traverse speed increased from 6.0 deg/s to 7.0 deg/s.
ST. Balance changes. Soviet cruiser Kronshtadt, tier IX.
Damage Control Party I and II consumables are now similar to those of other cruisers.
Active time – 5 seconds; cooldown – 90 seconds for standard and 60 seconds for premium consumable. Unimited charges.
Spotting Aircraft consumable is moved to the 2nd slot instead of the Hydroacoustic Search.
The consumable set now looks like this: Damage Control Party, Defensive AA Fire/Spotting Aircraft, Surveillance Radar, Repair Party.
With this toolbox, high-tier Soviet cruisers will always have Surveillance Radar which makes them more uniform and clear for most of the players. Replacing the Hydroacoustic Search will simply underline the ship’s role – fighting other cruisers and battleships. When it comes to confronting destroyers – Kronshtadt should rely on her maneuverability and Surveillance Radar. Swapping the Damage Control Party will slightly decrease ship’s survivability in close combat, yet her overall survivability is currently the best among all cruisers.
Currently the ship is in the final stages of testing and she will soon become available for purchase in the game client for 750 000 FreeXP.

ST. Balance changes. Soviet cruiser Stalingrad, tier X.
A copy of this ship is added to the game to test 2 versions of Stalingrad simultaneously.
First version changes:
- Fixed an error that made 25mm AA weapons count as midrange aura. These weapons are now considered inner aura.
- Removed the Defensive AA Fire consumable.
- Aft and bow plating is decreased from 32 mm to 25 mm.
- Dispersion radius is reduced to the level of other tier X cruisers. Sigma value is decreased from 2.25 to 2.05.
- Rudder shift time is reduced from 15 s to 12.5 s.
- AP shell arming delay is reduced from 0.033 s to 0.022 s.
- Firing range of the main batteries is increased from 20 350 m to 22 890 m.
This version of cruiser is fairly dependent on “perfect” shots, but she does reward those plentifully. Therefore it’s best to duel other cruisers relying on her survivability, that is fairly comparable with her tier X rivals. No HE shells are planned for this version, as their availability would make the cruiser too versatile and strong. While Stalingrad is equipped with AP shells only, she does show improved effectiveness in particular cases, but main task in battle for her will be to find a perfect moment. Stats of her AP shells should be very helpful in that: arming delay, ricochet angles, ballistics and accuracy. The arming delay is decreased to reduce the number of overpenetrations against other cruisers.
Second version changes:
- Fixed an error that made 25mm AA weapons count as midrange aura. These weapons are now considered inner aura.
- Removed the Defensive AA Fire consumable.
- Added HE shells with following stats: muzzle velocity – 950 m/s, maximum damage – 4500, Chance of causing fire – 33%.
- Main battery reload time is increased from 18.5 to 20 seconds.
- AP shell ricochet angles are changed to standard values.
Second version of the ship is mostly a cruiser that has a lot of battleship qualities. Since Stalingrad in this config has her dispersion remain the same as tier X battleships, they will actually be the main target for her, since against other classes her salvos might not be as effective. That’s why we decided to ad HE shells to the ship’s arsenal to offset the possibly decreased comfort of having to fire only AP shells. This will add a new facet to Stalingrad’s gameplay, by offering players a choice of ammunition when the situation calls for it.
Defensive AA Fire was removed because ship’s basic AA values are pretty strong on their own, and when boosted correctly, Stalingrad’s Anti-Air is a serious threat to the enemy aviation.

ST. Balance Changes. USN light cruisers.
For consistency of the branch the consumables were reordered and in several cases – moved to a separate slot, thus improving the overall effectiveness.
Dallas, tier VI
Hydroacoustic Search is moved to a separate slot, new consumable set looks like this:
Damage Control Party, Defensive AA Fire, Catapult Fighter, Hydroacoustic Search
Helena, tier VII
Hydroacoustic Search is moved to a separate slot, new consumable set looks like this:
Damage Control Party, Defensive AA Fire, Catapult Fighter, Hydroacoustic Search
Cleveland, tier VIII
Consumable distribution by slot is changed:
Damage Control Party, Defensive AA Fire, Surveillance Radar/Catapult Fighter, Hydroacoustic Search
Seattle, tier IX
Consumable distribution by slot is changed:
Damage Control Party, Defensive AA Fire, Surveillance Radar, Repair Party, Hydroacoustic Search
- Main battery turrets’ fire arc is increased: 15 degrees for the first turret, 2 for the second, 5 for the third and fourth. The increase is in both directions.
- Rudder shift time for the “A” hull is decreased from 16 s to 12.1 s.
- Rudder shift time for the “B” hull is decreased from 11.4 s to 8.7 s.
Worcester, tier X
Consumable distribution by slot is changed:
Damage Control Party, Defensive AA Fire, Surveillance Radar, Repair Party, Hydroacoustic Search
- Rudder shift time is decreased from 10.8 s to 8.2 s.
- Top deck plating is increased from 25 to 30 mm.
The change in turret arcs and improved rudder shift should increase the overall prowess of these ships and allow them to maneuver in the active combat phase, avoid enemy shells at medium and long ranges and leave or change the flank. Increase in Worcester’s deck plating makes her resistant to most HE shells of up to 180 mm caliber and cause ricochets of AP shells of 380 mm to 420 mm caliber.

ST. Balance changes. British destroyer Cossack, tier VII.
British destroyer Cossack is coming to a test in her alternate version with changed-up stats of smoke generator, HE shells and torpedoes. In this config she should be able to be more successful at capturing areas, gunning of the enemy ships and covering allies, allowing them to retreat in the smoke screens.
Smoke Generator consumable now has the following stats:
90 s emission, 10 s duration, 240 s cooldown, 2 charges. 160 s cooldown and 3 charge for the premium consumable.
- HE shell max. damage is increased from 1700 to 1900.
- Chance of causing fire is decreased fro 8% to 5%.
- Torpedo range is decreased from 10 km to 8 km.
- Torpedo detectability range is increased from 1.3 to 1.4 km.
- Increased firing arcs on 3rd main battery turret.
- Visibility after firing main guns in smoke screen is reduced by 120 m.
ST. Balance changes. American cruiser Boise, tier VII.
- Increased main battery guns’ accuracy – max. dispersion is decreased from 127 m to 99 m.
- Increased turret traverse speed from 8 deg/s to 10 deg/s.
- Turning circle radius changed to correct value – 710 m. These changes increase the combat capabilities of the ship and allow her to react quicker to the shifts in battle environment.

ST. Balance changes. American battleship Massachusetts, tier VIII.
Repair Party consumable receives new stats:
- Active time decreased from 30 s to 20 s. Cooldown decreased from 180 s to 120 s (120 to 80 s for premium consumable)
- Reload time of secondary guns is decreased from 6 to 4 seconds
- Secondary guns’ accuracy increased by 40%
- Main battery turrets’ traverse speed increased from 4 to 5 deg/s
- Main batteries’ firing range decreased from 23540 m to 18270 m
These changes are designed to underline battleship’s priority role in close combat.